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Car le projet tait bon, l8217loquence de Yann Dcaillet contra convaincre. Le problme tait Yann Dcaillet. Sa gestion tait autant ditatoriale, comme incomptente. Não há um passo para o orçamento, dpensait l8217argent btement, tout en faisant disparatre les bnfices. Il chassait une ide aprs l8217autre, sans jamais rien consolider. Son intelligence le faisait croire, qu8217il dominait tout, sans jamais approfondir un sujet. O plano de negócios do homem se baseia no comparecimento do risco 8211 sparer les bnfices des pertes, sparer les risques et avoirs acquises. Há muito tempo, é o que faz com que circulem, e os seus parceiros exigem os dividendos, os insultos e as dificuldades de trabalho. Foi necessário paratant de l8217argent. Le train de vie de Yann Dcaillet tait grandiosa 8211 il se comportait comme quelqu8217un qui avait gagné au Loto. Il employait galement un avocat plain temps pour s8217occuper des litiges. Yann Dcaillet é uma escrutadora e essa faillite que vai arrastar a queda de todo o filho. Yann Dcaillet é um colaborador mais fácil do que não está em condições de se tornar um participante. Há um trouv un moyen de les attirer autrement. En ne payant qu8217un salaire de base minimum e en proposant une participation aux gains. Evidemment les gains ne se jamais distribus. Também é um MBO que não é um objetivo, mas não é um sucesso. A colaboração com Yann Dcaillet se droule sempre a seguir o processo do mme: 1 Priode de sduction Pendant this priode Dcaillet est le vendeur dans toute sa splendeur. Il dcrit son entreprise comme uma matéria em pleine ascensão - a previsão de Valais e bientt em Suisse romande - il parle de chiffres qui s8217avrent par la suite comme totalement affabuls. Parceiros e colaboradores fonte parte do meio dos melhores na área. O raconte tous les succs et gros ganha qu8217il a dj eu, sa capacit d8217pargne d8217au-dessus d8217un million par an. On ne peut alors qu8217avoir hte de rejoindre essa quipe gagnante. 2 Priode de promessa Une fois rejoint son quipe, Dcaillet se montre d8217une amabilit et d8217une gen-tillesse sans support il sait sduire et appter son monde. É melhor que você conheça os seus limites e ilimite os limites - il y a tellement d8217investissements faire -. 171 Mais bientt l8217argent va rentrer on se le partagera entre ceux qui m8217ont fait confiance8230 187. 3 Priode de total investissement Malheureusement les promesses arrive tardive. En revanche, o trabalho efervescente aumenta de mais em mais bientt il faut abandonner sa vie prive pour mieux servir l8217entreprise. No doit assister des scnes indignes et des in-sultes que Dcaillet profre aux autres collaborateurs il se enviou trahi par tout le monde, entour par des incapables8230 mais saura honorer ses fidèles, aqueles que n8217ont pas douts de lui. Entre-temps, il faut encore fazer um esforço e esprer jouir du rsultat de nosso noivado. 4 Priode de vaches maigres La branche para que se encontre na obra no donne pas de rsultats. Bien sr D-caillet tinha prvu cela e tait d8217accord pour financer de sa poche les salaires des collaborateurs. Mais il um reparo dos limites il aspire une qualit de vie meilleure, e s8217il deve ser necessário para o pessoal do pessoal e o prfrait fermer la boite. 5 Priode de ração Finalmente, quando a pessoa se encontra em condições de vida, quando for necessário, mais o dissimulador por suas promessas e suas miragens, quando o tempo de vitor está chegando, ele começa o organizador da mudança de filho Quipe. O terreno em si é plaignant D8217tre a vic-time de l8217incapacit de ses collaborateurs. Todo o seu bem para criar os melhores. 171 J8217en ai marre de toujours essuyer as fautes des autres, de fazer seu trabalho, de pagar de ma poche leurs salaires8230 187. Sa bassesse va jusqu8217 voquer des dtails de sua vida privada para appuyer les raisons de son mcontentement. L8217ambiance de travail, dj difficile por quantificação de trabalho, tornando-se o stres-sante par le comportement de Dcaillet. On est alors loin des priodes de sduction, d8217humour e de rire agora c8217est o priode des engueulades, des accusations, des scnes de mnage. Você não pode contratar mais, gueule, crie8230 E, comece, solicite s8217il a encore toute sa tte. Il se torna paranoqueque, vê des ennemies et de la trahison partout. Le stress du travail et la mauvaise ambiance font que les collaborateurs tom-bent malades, n8217arrivent plus supporter cet tat d8217instabilit et d8217inscurit permanente. 6 Priode de licenciement immdiat pour faute grave Tomber malade est une trahison. Prendre des vacances correspondem a abandon de poste. O colaborador tornou-se um saboteador não é necessário, é o que é mais fácil. Evidemment il is accus de faute grave. 7 Priode d8217action en justice Dcaillet emploie un avocat plein temps pour s8217occuper de ses litiges, c8217est significatif. Dj, como agente gnral il s8217tait perdeu a rputação de 171massacreur de personal187. Parceiros de parceria ou d8217employeur se sold gnralement en action de Justice. Dcaillet est son troisiem mariage il est fch avec sa famille son ancien employeur a interdit aux collaborateurs tout contacté com lui. Quando não ex-colaborador demande Justiça e saude de relance Dcaillet que le temps d8217honorer ses engagements est arriv, il crye la diffamation. Bem sr il ne se gne pas pour dposer des plaintes pnales para diffamation, ou pour dommages et intrts contre ces gens ingrats, et d8217envoyer des poursuites pour rcuprer l8217argent qu8217il prtend their avoir avanc. Comme Dcaillet n8217aime pas payer de salaires, il n8217aime non plus les cotisations sociales. Foi desenvolvido para além disso, não é para a L8217AVS, ni la LAA, ni la LPP. Les salaires taient rgulirement pays avec du retard ou souvent mme retenus pendant des mois. Não distribua o preço de pagamento nem o certificado de garantia. La carrire de Dcaillet A carrer profissional de Dcaillet é um lote d8217tre une russite. Aprs l8217abandon de son projet ambitieux d8217tudes Saint-Gall dans une langue qu8217il ne matrise pas suffisamment, il est when mme arriv obtenha um diploma de comércio. Cela lui é um licenciado no serviço de venda d8217une compagnie d8217assurances la plus basse chelle. Por uma oportunidade inoue, filho agente gnral tomba malade e Dcaillet fut nomm sa lugar. Os destinatários da companhia d8217assurance, n8217ayant pas beaucoup d8217intrt pour le canton de Suisse romande au potentiel de vente limite, se contentaient de pourvoir au premier venu ce poste vago. Comme agent gnral Dcaillet s8217avrait dj comme chef inapte cette fonction. Il fallait le remplacer d8217urgence. Eternel sducteur, se rfrent de ses tudes de Saint-Gall, il arriva convaincre a direção de l8217utiliser como reprsentant du service externe romand dans un projet de restructuration. Le projet ayant t abandonn, Dcaillet s8217est finalement cas dans une unité key account comme partenaire junior. L aussi, cela ne dura pas. Abrs une anne il lui a fallu regagner le service externe romand. Suíte das exigências do contrato. Sessão de um priode de chmage e de prcarit. In extremis se prsente Pierre Voutaz, filho futuro partenaire na AFC qui lui donne l8217argent pour ponger ses dettes et lui amne ses relations. Eles são um bom projeto de monter une socit de services. Dcaillet voit grand, Voutaz freine. 171 il ne faut pas mettre la charrue avant les bufs 187. Dcaillet monte toute uma organização no estágio. Il construit filho aldeia Potemkine, la faade pour impressionner. O que é o que é o que você quer dizer? Com esta estrutura, o prouve ds le dbut ses intentions malhonntes. É um besoin de novos capitais e pesquisas de parceiros disponíveis e capítulos de participação nos capitais de ses socits. Tudo o que é um problema, uma exceção. Yann Dcaillet. Em somme, l8217aventure de ses entreprises tait un grand chec, tout como tudo que este individuo tenha em condições de tocar. Le montage de la structure Dcaillet All Finances Consultancy SA A socit de courtage aujourdhui en faillite. Un cahier de charges dtaill (appel 171 design de procdures 187) por le per-sonnel tait tabli par Dcaillet. Il ne manquait qu8217une escolheu. Les services apportam aos clientes. En fêz esta socit fonctionnait pendente de acordo com a base de transmissão de correios das empresas d8217assurances sans aucun contrle des prestations et des factures. La socit n8217effectuait aucun des travaux pour elles elle touchait des commissions. En revanche elle facturait AFC Riviera des prestations qu8217elle n8217a jamais fornecido. O que é o que você quer dizer, por isso, não é o que você quer? Aujourd8217hui este socit um quasiment perdu tudo son portefeuille, ses clientes e ne satisfaça as exigências da lei para uma atividade de courtage. En plus, ses dettes pour salaires non pay dpassent de loin son capital. AFC Riviera SA La socit de vente, aujourd8217hui em liquidação. Todos os parceiros de esta socit estão em litige com Dcaillet. Malgr une production important, les bnfices ont t mangs par une facturation trop lourde da part d8217All Finances Consultancy pour des prestations jamais provide. Desfrute do prestígio, esta socit louait des locaux Montreux malgr as recomendações de ses partenaires Dcaillet persistait les garder. Au-jourd8217hui il prtend, qu8217on lui avait impos ce choix. Serviços AFC SARL Les services comptables. La socit a perdu tout son personnel et ne peut en consquence plus fournir de prestações. AFC Immobilire SARL La socit de gestion immobilire. L8217architecte qui laborait pour cette socit a quitt depuis longtemps le navire, sans se faire payer ses travaux. Pont du Diable SA A socit imobilizadora de imóveis de apartamentos. 171 AFC c8217est moi. J8217ai tout fait, je fais ce que quero e je ne laisserai personne s8217ingrer dans mes affaires. 187, un discours indigne d8217un chef d8217entreprises dont la mission la plus noble est de motiver son pessoal. Un discours qui est aussi en totale contradiction avec les accusations de Dcaillet rendant responsable ses employs de l8217chec de son entreprise. En fait, isso significa que Dcaillet é incapaz de criar uma empresa. Il ne fait pas de budget, de planification on fait du bricolage au jour le jour et on recherche constamment de novos projects qui pour the plupart n8217aboutissent jamais. C8217est certainement la raison principale de tous ces checs. Dcaillet la personne Yann Dcaillet é inteligente. Il peut tre charmeur et sducteur. C8217est un gocentrique qui met toujours sa personne en avant pour certains il en fait trop. Comme il s8217aventure assez vite in the fabulation, il se retrouve souvent coinc et dmasqu. Cela l8217a fait devenir paranoaque et penser que tout le monde é o mchant avec lui, que tout le monde. Dcaillet est le mensonge fait homme, c8217est Tartuffe et Mphisto en personne. Yann Dcaillet pode friser le gnie, il est cratif, parfois systmatique, dispõe de capac capacites analytiques et d8217un esprit de synthse. Des gens com o mais de tudo isso. Yann Dcaillet uma certeza de uma dupla personalidade. As pessoas que são freqüentadas são sempre surpreendentes por meio de saquetas d8217humeur, por via volátil de ses dires - il peut dfendre com a conviction une thse et la contester par la suite, sans se rappeler de ce qu8217il had affirm -. Dcaillet a du manquer d8217amour dans sa vie. É a continuação da pesquisa de reconhecimento e de uma necessidade de distribuição de prestígio e d8217admiração. En revanche il ne connat ni honte, ni dignit quand il is dmasqu. Pour obtenir ce qu8217il. Projete o promet n8217importe quoi, tudo na sua promessa quando é supercherie est dcouverte dans ce cas il est sans piti dans la neige de son adversaire et ne connat aucune limite dans la calomnie. Yann Dcaillet sempre continua e tudo de suite, conheceu continuamente a charreira avant os boeufs, nunca mais se espera para o consolider. Como empregador, il est une vraie catástrofe carro il est trop instable, remite tudo em questão em permanência e nglige totalement les personnes avec qui il travaille ce ne sont que des pions use et jeter quand il pense pouvoir se passer d8217eux. Yann Dcaillet é um indício de confiança. C8217est quelqu8217un qui utiliza la parole pour tromper son monde, il est totalement malhonnte. 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I had been a little bit acquainted of this your broadcast offered bright clear concept You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this topic to be really something that I think I would never understand. It seems too complex and extremely broad for me. I39m looking forward for your next post, I will try to get the hang of it Thank you for every other great post. The place else may just anybody get that kind of info in such an ideal means of writing I39ve a presentation next week, and I am on the look for such information. Lalkitab Predictions Software Lal Kitab Prediction amp Remedies In 1997, I delivered a lecture to the students of astrology, who were studying astrology in Indian Council of Astrological Sciences, Delhi. Several misconcepts have developed among the people about 39Lal Kitab39. Some people are of the view that 39Lal Kitab39 was written under some Divine Direction. However, the author of lsquoLal Kitabrsquo never claimed that 39Lal Kitab39 was the result of Divine Revelation or Heavenly Direction. Moreover, repeated amendments in the text of 39Lal Kitab39 in subsequent editions are an illustrated negation of such claims. First edition of 39Lal Kitab39 containing 383 pages was published in 1939. Another 39Lal Kitab39 containing only 156 pages was also published, in 1940, under the title 39Lal Kitab Ke Arman39 . Another 39Lal Kitab39 consisting of 428 pages was published in 1941. In 1942, rsquoLal Kitabrsquo that contained 384 pages was published as fourth edition. Finally, the enlarged 39Lal Kitab39 that contained 1171 pages, was published in 1952. These titles differ in the number of pages and in-depth treatment of the subject matter. The only similarity between them was the title of the book and the author. In the light of the above facts, should we still believe that Heavenly Power or Divine Revelation inspired the author to write lsquoLal Kitab39. In reality, the principles of 39Lal Kitab39 as a system of astrology were prevalent in the hilly tract from Himachal Pradesh to Kashmir. The author was employed in that area and happened to come across the scripts during the tenure of his service there. In future, if we go to the interior of those areas, in search of astrological knowledge, we may be able to trace the roots of lsquoLal Kitabrsquo system of astrological prediction there. Almost all the titles of lsquoLal Kitabrsquo ordain that the sign number of the Ascendant or Lagna Bhava and other houses of the birth chart that was constructed according to the principles of oriental astrology may be omitted. Thereafter assign number one to Lagna and subsequent numbers to other houses in the cyclic order. The statement may be construed that lsquoLal Kitabrsquo has done away with the importance of the signs and considers only the houses. The position is clarified, in subsequent chapters of 1941, 1942 and 1952 editions of 39Lal Kitab39. The chapters pertaining to the search for the planets of luck clearly make a mention of the signs of the houses and the planets. Lal Kitab39 clearly states that the planet, that is placed in the sign of his exaltation, is the best planet of luck. In case no planet is exalted, alternatives have been suggested. This clearly illustrates the importance of signs in lsquoLal Kitabrsquo system of astrology. In fact, lsquoLal Kitabrsquo lays stress on study of the Horoscope as embodiment of human body. Oriental astrology considers time chart as a man for the purpose of stud governed various parts of the body. This view can be very helpful in the study of the horoscope in true perspective. For instance, let us study the malefic effect of the Mars on family life in the Horoscope, taking the Mars in the first house and the Saturn in the 7 th house. We find that the Mars falls in his own Sign and the Saturn in his sign of exaltation because the first house is governed by the Sign Aries and 7 th by the Libra in the horoscope. Naturally, both the planets will become benefic and there will be no malefic effect of the mars on family life of the native. On the other hand, if Mars was in the 7 th house and the Saturn in the Lagna, the Saturn will be in his sign of fall because the Sign Aries governs the 1 st house of Horoscope. Similarly, the Mars in the 7 th house is in the sign of debility because the Sign Libra governs it. Consequently, Malefic effects would be experienced on Venus . the significator of the 7 th house. lsquoLal Kitabrsquo ordains time and again that this book should be read and reread very many times as a novel so that its secrets may become apparent to the readers. Main reason of this advice lies in the fact that several chapters and portions of the book are not self-explanatory and self-contained. They can find their explanation in the previous or later portions of the book provided the principles enunciated in the beginning and end of the book are not studied fragmentarily in isolation. Many persons are under the wrong impression that39 Lal Kitab39 I perhaps a treatise like lsquoBhrigu Samhitarsquo, lsquoArjuna Samhitarsquo, lsquoDhruva Nadi39 or such other treatises. Perhaps this is the main reason that many a seriously interested readers are despaired when they go through the benefic and malefic status of the planets and cannot make out any sense out of it. Many readers possess some knowledge of traditional astrology and they try to see through 39Lal Kitab39 with that background overlooking the fact that 39Lal Kitab39 has its own Grammar or system. Therefore, a reader should ignore his knowledge of traditional astrology for the time being so that he may understand the Grammar of 39Lal Kitab39. For instance, let us take up the aspects of planets in 39Lal Kitab39. According to 39Lal Kitab39, the effect of a planet39s aspect on a house will only be felt if the house, aspected by that planet, is occupied by another planet. In case no planet falls in that house, the effect of aspecting planet will not be forthcoming. In reality, 39Lal Kitab39 has been written in such a manner that its chapters are not self-contained. A chapter may be connected with many chapters as it progresses from beginning to end. When a planet is discussed, his significator may be found somewhere else. Similarly, the subject matter may also be found somewhere else in several other chapters. Therefore, it is very difficult to maintain continuity of the subject matter in the speech. I shall encounter this problem also when I address you. Hence, I will take up a few principles of 39Lal Kitab39 and discuss them with you. Some people believe that 39Lal Kitab39 came from some Arabian country. The cover and the title 39Lal39 (red) gives rise to the question that the book belongs to the country where red colour is considered to be auspicious. However, all the Muslim countries fall in deserts and consider greenery as Nature39s greatest gift. Therefore, green colour is supposed to be very propitious among the Arabian countries. However, red colour is traditionally indicative of progress and development in the Indian sub-continent. The red colour, therefore, definitely expresses the Indian influence and origin. Secondly, the chowkidars, in Northern India and other parts too, were the representatives of the government They maintained red and black registers for birth and death respectively. The book is concerned with the life and red colour is indicative of progress and development. Probably due to this reason, the book was called 39Lal Kitab39. You as the students of astrology know very well that the Mars is red. Mars is remembered on all happy and religious occasions through a chorus called lsquoManglacharana39. Therefore, the view that 39Lal Kitab39 sprang up from Muslim culture and tradition is not tenable. Some other misconceptions also exist regarding 39Lal Kitab39. It is held that the author of the book had Divine Revelation. But 39Lal Kitab39 is not attributed to any author. Of course, photo of the publisher is printed on the book. Another tale is circulating that some soul entered the author and directed him to write the book. The question arises how a soul can enter the body of the author when there is no author of 39 Lal Kitab39 Recently, a book on 39Lal Kitabrsquo has been published that contains another tale in its introduction. The tale tells that the book was really written by Aruna, the coach driver of God Sun . Thereafter, Ravana took away the book to Lanka. The book, then, reached Arabia and was translated into Arabic and Persian languages. The Persian version is still available. The Arabian countries are no more isolated and remote lands. The people are also not so conservative that they do not mix up. Indian consulate and high commissions are also established and functioning there without much restraint. I also know some people who are residing there and they have some knowledge and interest in astrology. It is surprising that they never heard about 39Lal Kitab39 there. They also tried to trace the book but their efforts were unfruitful. Such misconceptions are bound to create hurdles for the sincere readers of coming generations. In the first instance, they may take every word of the book as final. If this book is taken as a result of Divine Revelation or revealed on earth through Divine source, its critical examination will be hampered. Secondly, the question will arise in the mind why the name of the author is conspicuously absent. They will also think whether they are wrong or right. It is said that Pt. Roop Chand Joshi, resident of village Pharwala, Punjab, was the author of the book. I have been going there for the last several years and gathered information in this regard. There lived an elderly astrologer whom I met time and again. Formerly, I did not ask him about 39Lal Kitab39 in a formal manner nor I introduced myself completely. One of my disciples has his maternal uncles in a nearby village. He took me there and introduced me to the elderly man that I was a retired person and knew Urdu also and I read out 39Lal Kitab 39 to him. After a few visits we came closer to each other. On the fourth visit, I gathered substantial knowledge from him. Besides, I roamed in various parts of the country and collected information related to the background of 39Lal Kitab39. On the basis of information, so gathered, I have come to know that Pt. Roop Chand Joshi, who wrote this book, was serving in the army as an accountant and astrology was not a family tradition. Primarily, he had no interest in astrology. Once, he was transferred to Himachal Pradesh. There was an army Jawan who told an English officer some facts on the basis of this principle. This is a special feature of 39Lal Kitab39 that a person who is well versed with the principles of 39Lal Kitab39 can tell several facts even in the absence of Jannma Kundali. The significating planets are the real forces behind this outstanding feature of 39Lal Kitab39. According to the principle of 39Lal Kitab39, a planet changes its signification when it changes the house. For instance, the Moon in the 4 th house is not only the significator of mother but also of mother39s sister. If the Moon goes to the 6 th house in the future, it would become the significator of maternal-grand-mother. Similarly, the Mars in the 8 th house is the significator of elder paternal uncle. Therefore, when the Moon reaches the 8 th house, it becomes the significator of elder aunt. In 10 th house, the moon will become the significator of junior aunt. So, when the planets change houses they become the significator of the signification of changed houses. In this way, minute worldly details are precisely covered by the significator according to 39Lal Kitab39. Let me illustrate the above statement through an example. Turban and cap fall under the signification of the Jupiter. Pajama comes under the signification of the Saturn but the belt or the waist chord falls under the signification of Mercury. Similarly, every tree is the significator of a particular planet. Peepal, for example is the significator of Jupiter and Neem that of Mars. Plum (Beri) is the significator of Mercury and Keekar (Acacia) that of Saturn. Similarly, when two planets conjoin in a house will become the significator of yellow lemon (Peela Nibu). These significators are utilized in finding out the remedial measures (Upaaya). Moon and Ketu signify banana fruit. However, the Mercury signifies banana tree (Kela). Similarly, every planet singly and combined signifies a particular substance vegetation or animal and relations. The army Jawan told something to the English army officer, perhaps, on the strength of these Significators. 39Lal Kitab39 has its own system of progression and order of planetary Dasha major periods and their sub-periods. Age is the basis of finding the Operative period of a planet. For instance, 1 to 6 years of age will be under the influence of Saturn. If Saturn happens to fall in the 8 th house during the age stage, 1 to 6, it would indicate disease and illness. If per chance, the Saturn happens to fall in the 11 th house at that stage, it would be indicative offavourable results. As the chiltfis totally dependent upon the parents, they may reap the favorable effects. The period of Rahu follows that of Saturn from 7 to 12 years of age. Ketu shows its influence from 13 to 15 years. Ketu is the significator of restlessness and unfounded fears causing loss of mental peace and concentration. It is perhaps due to this reason that the native finds it difficult to adjust himself with the environment and oncoming challenges of life and body changes. If during this age of adolescence, Ketu happens to fall in unfavourable houses, the native may suffer from reverses sometimes beyond recovery. Obviously, the position of Ketu decides the extent of reverses or damage to the progress of the native. There after, 16 to 21 years will be under the influence of Jupiter . This period of 6 years is followed by the influence of Sun during 22 and 23 years of age. The Moon influences the 24 th year. 25 to 27 years of age fall under the influence of Venus . The mars govern the age, 28 to 33 years and Mercury 34 to 35 years. This completes the first cycle of35 years and the next cycle of Dashas ushers in. We were talking of the conversation between the army Jawan and the English army officer. Let us take for example that the army Jawan asked the officer on the basis of Mercury if he had his father39s sister. The army officer replied in affirmative. The army jawan then asked what was her position and status at his age of 34-35. The officer might have replied that she was healthy, happy and led a prosperous life. The army Jawan might have replied that the officer might have received promotion during the age 34-35. This has been narrated only as an example and I do not mean in any sense that this conversation was actually held between them. The above statement is meant to impress upon you that 39Lal Kitab39 has a method of telling something, without the Horoscope, with the help of circumstantial effects at an age and making out the planets signifying them. This impressed the English officer. He asked the Jawan where had he learnt that system of predictioon. The Jawan replied that he hailed from Himachal Pradesh and that was the family tradition handed down to them through generations. The system has undergone many modifications and improves with the passage of time and the kings of tiny hilly areas played a very vital role in preserving this system. The above narration clearly reflects that this system was prevalent from Himachal Pradesh to snow clad mountains of Kashmir. I am not insistent that this was the only system of prediction that prevailed in those areas. In Himachal Pradesh, Yogini Dasha system of Dasha progression was very popular though it was practiced in Kashmir alsoquot However, the Jawan told that 39Lal Kitab39 system of prediction has been handed down from the times immemorial. The English officer told the Jawan that it would be very good if he might put down the system of prediction in black and white so that the art is preserved for the coming generations. The Jawan toiled hard and put down the principles of 39Lal Kitab39 in a register. However, he could not write in a well-connected and systematic manner. Consequently, some of the elements of beginning found place in the last chapters and vice versa and some were placed in the middle portion. In short, the Jawan went on writing the principles of the system as they revealed to his memory without paying much heed to the continuity of the subject matter. The English officer handed over the material written by the Jawan to Pt. Roop Chand Joshi with a request to go through the material of the Jawan. Pt. Roop Chand Joshi rewrote the material on four registers without making out any meaning out of it. Afterwards, he went to his native village, Pharwala, on long leave. Pharwala is a village of Punjab beyond Ludhiana deep into the rural area of Phagwara. He met one of his friends who later on turned into a professional astrologer. Pt. Roop Chand Joshi told his friend that he had copied some principles of astrology from somewhere. However, the matter was so disorganized that nothing can be made out. He was the same person whom I met. Several times, along with Nirmal Singh, my disciple. Later on, Pt. Roop Chand Joshi began to understand something about those principles. Whatever few principles he could make out were brought out in the form a book in 1939. The book containing 383 pages was published by Calcutta Photo House, Amritsar (Punjab). This 39Lal Kitab39 and copies of subsequent issues are with me. Now days, no publication, coming out under the title 39Lal Kitab39, give any reference to edition copied therein. 39Lal Kitab39 was first published in 1939 and contained 383 pages. Narendra Press, Delhi, which had 1171 pages, published the final edition. In 1940, another book with a slightly different title 39Lal Kitab Ke Arman39 was published. Other titles had the word39 Farman39 in place of Arman. Farman, a word of Urdu language, means the final word or order that cannot be challenged. Whereas, Arman means the ambition. The book titled 39Lal Kitab Ke Arman39 was published in 1940 and consisted of 156 pages. This book was perhaps published to clarify the principles, given in the previous book, which were not well explained. This is very interesting that why the book did not bear the name of the author Perhaps, this was due to the fact that it was the era of British Rule and an English officer had handed over the material to Pt. Roop Chand. Therefore, Pt. Roop Chand did want to run into trouble of any sort in this regard. He, very cleverly, wrote the name of Girdhari Lal Sharma as the Printer and Publisher. He also affixed his Photo to make every thing unrelated to him. It is a matter of common sense that no book except this contained the photo of the printer and publisher. All this is being stressed upon to make it evident that 39Lal Kitab39 is not a Divine gift to the world. And it can be freely and critically examined without any fear of inviting Divine wrath. In my opinion, it is very important to guard us against the influence of believing that Lal Kitab39 is a Divine Creation. This danger is very imminent in the face of such tales verbally circulating in the society. Such tales should only be taken as a Joke. Otherwise, research and critical analysis, which is the very secret of progress and development, would be obstructed. I have narrated the story of 39Lal Kitab39 briefly, because I feel that a student should have some knowledge of history and background how 39Lal Kitab39 originated. You all are deeply interested in astrology and it would be very difficult to overlook the impressive astrological principles of 39Lal Kitab39 because it has very valuable material. I believe that you would be able to understand the principles of 39Lal Kitab39 many times more than I have understood if you toil hard. Now I shall briefly discuss some other principles of39 Lal Kitab39. I will tell you something before I start discussing the principles of 39Lal Kitab39 that the readers having background of oriental astrology experience some difficulty because 39Lal Kitab39 ordains in the very beginningthatthe Sign numbers, in the horoscope, may be replaced by the house numbers. This may look odd and in contradiction with the principles of oriental astrology, but it has its own advantages too. This clearly reflects that 39Lal Kitab39 gives more importance to houses than the Signs. However, this does not mean that the Signs have no place in 39Lal Kitab39. It is evident in all systems of prediction that one should focus more attention on the houses so as to understand many points related to prediction easily. If we take up the Horoscope of Aries Ascendant, which has been elaborately discussed with Smt. Amrita Pritam in my book 39Trika Bhavanon Ki Gatha39 , benefic and malefic nature of the planets may be easily understood through this method. For instance, Mercury . in 6 th house of Horoscope, will always be benefic irrespective of its sign and nature because, 6 th house is the natural house of Mercury in the Horoscope and belongs to Virgo. Similarly, the Mars in the 10 th house is always benefic because it is the natural house of Capricorn in the Horoscope, which is the sign of exaltation for the Mars . On the same analogy, Saturn in the 11 th house will be benefic because it is the natural house of Aquarius in the Horoscope. Aquarius is the Moon Trikona Sign for Saturn . Presently, we may not be able to pay more attention to the importance of houses. However, we may be able to understand many aspects of Horoscope better, if we proceed in this manner. I was discussing that we can assess the nature of the planet from several angles. For instance, indications of a planet becoming malefic are given in 39Lal Kitab. This is advantageous in seeking the malefic nature of a planet when that is not placed in the Sign of an enemy or aspected adversely. Let us take up the Jupiter becoming malefic. The braid (Choti) hair shall start falling off at an early stage. There will be hurdles and obstructions in education. False blames may be spread. Gold may be stolen. The native may start wearing a garland. All these are indications of malefic Jupiter . You might be thinking that how wearing a garland could turn the influence of Jupiter into malefic. Kindly turn to the principle of 39Lal Kitab39 that any kind of garland of round beads signifies the Mercury and our neck signifies the Jupiter . Therefore, wearing garland amounts to installing the Mercury on the Jupiter which indicates the end of benefic Jupiter . Similarly, take up the Venus . When favourable effect of Venus will come to a close, thumb of the hand may start aching. Pain or similar malady in the thumb of the native signifies that Venus is turning malefic. Moreover, skin disease is also indicative of malefic Venus . Likewise, if milking animal dies or health of the mother deteriorates, it is a clear indication of malefic Moon . Malefic Mars is signified by the death of a child in the family soon after birth, injury caused to eyes or blood disease. Joint pain also signifies malefic Mars . Malefic Mercury will be indicated by the loss of sense of smell, teeth start falling off early. It would be difficult to maintain harmonious relations with close friends. Stammering will also signify malefic Mercury . As a remedial measure the person with malefic Mercury should get his nose pin - holed. Similarly, Tilak of turmeric (Haldi) or saffron (Kesar) on forehead will turn the Jupiter benefic. Touching the feet of others, especially the mother and the elders, and beseech blessings would make the Moon benefic. In case of malefic Mars . white Surma, a kind of powder for the eyes, should be put into eyes as remedial measure. For improvement of Venus . one should dress oneself aesthetically and keep it neat and clean. Indications of malefic Saturn are dismantling a portion of the house, under construction or built up, and death of black buffalo. Hair of the body, especially the eyebrows, starts falling off. Remedial measure against malefic Saturn is to brush the teeth with the branch stick of acacia (Keekar or Babool). Brown cow may run away from the house or die. Staleness of limbs of the body or excessive saliva in the mouth signifies malefic Sun . A person with Malefic Sun should put some sugar in his mouth and drink water before going out of the house. The reason behind this measure is that we beseech the help of Mars and Moon to counter the malefic effect of the Sun . Sugar signifies Mars and waters the Moon . The Sun gains strength when the Moon and Mars mix up with the saliva. Mercury is the significator of our common sense. Suppose we wish to open a lock. Mercury would guide us what kind of key should open the lock. Accordingly, we select a few keys from the bunch to match the lock and try them. This is an easy way shown by the Mercury . Otherwise, we may heedlessly go on trying each and every key of the bunch till we hit the right key. Intelligent potential of Mercury is based on our acquired knowledge or intelligence. We call a person intelligent because he can give references from several books during the course of his speech. This all is dependent on Mercury . Lord of Mercury is Durga. We should be very attentive to understand Rahu . Lord of Rahu is Saraswati. Perhaps you may wonder how Saraswati has become the lord of Rahu . It is because Rahu signifies wisdom beyond acquired knowledge and intelligence. Invention and incidental knowledge and experiences fall under this category. For instance, the principle of gravitational force was not within the periphery of acquired knowledge, experience and intelligence of Newton. The incidents of witnessing the falling off apple from the tree activated his brain to research and arrive at the conclusion that gave birth to the theory of gravitational force. This should be the effect of Rahu than Mercury . Let us take another example. Once, I became very tense and restless without any obvious reason. Unfounded fear of death made me nervous, but I could not analyze the cause of these symptoms. Rahu signifies the dreams and mental delinquency. Therefore, Rahu became the cause of this process. Increasing number of enemies with no obvious reason is also the indication of Malefic Rahu . Rahu also signifies the in-laws. The remedial measure of this is that relations with the in-laws should not deteriorate rather they should be improved. To keep braid (Choti) is also a remedial measure of malefic Rahu . It may look surprising that hair of the head (Choti) is linked with Rahu whereas it is the significator of the Jupiter . When we look into the Horoscope we find that 12 th house belongs to Rahu but Rahu offers ill effects here. The 12 th house is the place of idle mind. Rahu has a connection with the 12 th house when the idle mind suddenly gets activated giving rise to absolutely new thoughts. This house is also the place of meditation (Samadhi) and intuition e. g. getting the feelings of some trouble in dream. Many people experience such facts. Rahu offers favourable results in 6 th house. We were discussing the reason of keeping braid (Choti) when Rahu is malefic for the 12 th house. It is the natural house of the zodiacal sign Pisces that is owned by the Jupiter . Braid is the significator of Jupiter . Therefore, the braid strengthens Jupiter to check the ill effects of Rahu . Similarly, 6 th house belongs to Ketu . On the analogy of Rahu Ketu is malefic in his house but offers benefic results in the 12 th house. Now we will take up some indications of malefic Ketu . The nails of the feet start falling off or grow into the finger tops are indications of malefic Ketu . Urinary diseases or joint pains also signify malefic Ketu . Ketu is also the significator of the son. Therefore, worry, anxiety and discomfiture related to the son are indications of malefic Ketu . Ketu is also the significator of running about hither and thither and toil hard to get the things done with little success. When Ketu is very malefic, injuries to the feet and legs are inflicted time and again. This is a brief description of indications of malefic planets. Someone has asked about the remedial measures against malefic Ketu for the ladies because they get their ears ring-holed in early childhood. There are no separate remedial measures against malefic Ketu on gender basis. If Ketu falls in the 1 st house, the native should keep red painted iron balls with him. This is a common remedial measure. If Ketu falls in the 3 rd house, one should throw gram Daal into the flowing water. Keep uncrushed turmeric (Haldi Gantha) in a brass utensil if Ketu falls in the 4 th house. This may look fantastic but turmeric and brass are the significator of Jupiter . In the horoscope, 4 th house is the natural house of the sign Cancer that is the sign of exaltation for the Jupiter . Fourth house is also the house of family life and internal peace. For Ketu in the 5 th house, keep carrot or radish under the pillow or head-side of the cot at night and give away in the temple next morning. Similarly, bury six onions in earth if it falls in the 6 th house. When Ketu transits through the 6 th house that may cause stomach trouble or pains in the legs during that year. Knowledge of significators of the planets is very essential for understanding the measures of 39Lal Kitab39 correctly, because the significators of the planets change as they change the houses. Knowledge of the significators is very helpful in prediction. Let us take the planet Mercury . Mercury in the 1 st house is the significator of elder daughter. Therefore, first child of the native may be a girl. If the Mercury happens to fall in the 1 st house in Gemini or Virgo, she would lead a prosper life in every respect. However, the Mercury in the signs of Mars may offer adverse results in the first house. Mercury in the 2 nd house is the significator of unmarried sister of the wife (sister-in-law). It signifies elder sister in the 3 rd house. Mercury in the 6 th house is the significator of daughters. In oriental astrology, the planets do not change their significators with the change of houses. This is the specialty of 39Lal Kitab39. For example, the Moon is the significator of the mother and her sister. In the 6 th house it is the significator of maternal grand - mother. Let us assume that the Moon is malefic, in the sign off all or aspected by malefic planets. In that state, maternal grandmother may die or the relations may be distanced. In short, love from the maternal grand - mother will not be flowing out to the native. Moon in the 8 th house will be the significator of the wife of father39s elder brother (Tayi) but in the 10 th house it will be the significator of the wife of younger brother of the father (Chachi). The Moon of the 12 th house is the significator of mother - in-law. However, the Saturn in the 10 th house will be the signification of the uncle (Chacha) and the Mars in the 3 rd house becomes the significator of the elder brother of the father (Taya) . If we look into the significators attentively, we shall not find any contradiction. Similarly, Ketu in the 1 st house is the significator of the only one son. No doubt, there may be daughters. Ketu . in the 2 nd house, is the significator of brother - in-law. Whereas, Rahu is the traditional significator of brother-in-law. Ketu . in the 3 rd house, is the significator of nephew but in the 6 th house it becomes the significator of the nephew from the sister (Bhanja) and grandson from the daughter (Dohta). Ketu . in the 10 th house, will become the significator of cousin from uncle (father39s brother). Hence, the knowledge of these significators facilitates the prediction to be straight and easy. There are other methods of understanding the planet too. Those methods need separate type of explanation and indicators. For instance, 9 th house is the house of luck (Bhagya), 2 nd of liquid assets and 4 th of family life and internal peace. 39Lal Kitab39 ordains that the monsoon that arises in the 9 th house takes the laden clouds of fortune to the 2 nd. House where they rain down. Resultantly, the crops grow in the 4 th house. It means that the native will tell tale of his predecessors that how high and prosperous they were. In other words, he will talk much of the past, if the 9 th house is vacant. Let us assume that there is a benefic planet in the 9 th house but the 2 nd house is vacant. The clouds of fortune would rise but they cannot strike against the mountain (planet) of the 2 nd. House because there is no planet in the 2 nd house. Secondly, if the 9 th and 2 nd houses have benefic planets but the 4 th is vacant, no crop would grow in the 4 th house i. e. no fruitful results would be forthcoming. No doubt it is an important rule but it cannot be a standard principle for examining the Horoscope. Similarly, there is a rule of 39Lal Kitab39 that the 1 st house is the royal seat. Therefore, the planet posited in the 1 st house becomes the ruler or lord of the Horoscope and the planet of the 7 th house becomes the minister. Planet in the 8 th house is the eye of the lord of the Horoscope and that of the II th house becomes the leg. If the planet in the 7 th house is the enemy of the planet in the 1 st. the minister may harm the lord. It means the advisers would mislead the native. If the 8 th house is spoilt the native will not have the capacity to see through the designs of others in true prospective and he would not be able to contain his advisers. The 11 th house signifies the legs of the lord of the Horoscope. If that house were vacant or occupied by an enemy planet, the native would be unable to take any concrete step for achieving the goal. Consequently, every plan shall prove a wishful thinking only. Similarly, there are combinations and permutations of planets also which assist in analyzing the horoscope correctly. 39Lal Kitab39 lays another rule of blind Horoscope. Birth chart or Horoscope is also called the Horoscope when more than one enemy planet occupies the 10 th house it becomes a blind Horoscope, because such planets will always be at war. Resultantly, the native would face difficulties and unsteadiness in job or business. Another type of Horoscope is called semi blind Horoscope. This is a combination (Yoga) of two planets. When the Saturn is in the 7 th house and the Sun in the 4 th. Saturn casts its malefic effect on Sun that carries to the 10 th house by opposition aspect Consequently, the Horoscope does not favour economic stability or sources of income and the life becomes full of struggles. A spot question has been raised that a recent issue 39Lal Kitab39 states that a planet may be sent to a suitable house to secure desired results. Is it possible to do so This is a very misleading and incorrect statement. If we accept such a version for a moment, it means that I can place all the favourable planets in the 11 th and 10 th houses for gains and governance if Have some knowledge of 39LaI Kitab39. Therefore, I would be able to carry home a lot of money and become the Prime Minister of the country on the strength of 39Lal Kitab39 without doing any thing. If this sort of books continues to be published, the people will start researching what is the real matter of 39Lal Kitab39 thereby divorcing its study. General Remedies of Various Planets Wear gold or yellow sapphire. Wear yellow clothes. Keep fast on Thursday. Dry your nose before starting work. Water Peepal tree. Keep summit. Serve a Brahmin, family priest, elders, Sadhu, guru. Haripujan. Mix water saffron or turmeric with water in a silver base and apply on forehead. Give coffin cloth to an unclaimed body. Visit temple. (Do not make a temple at home). Donate yellow clothes. Wear a ruby or copper. Keep fast on Sundays. Wear a white or pink turban or cap. Keep a door in East and Courtyard open. Haribans katha Serve government officers. Donate wheat, jaggery, copper Serve a monkey Serve ricesesame to ants in late evening. Nails of copper in bed Offering of food to fire before meals. Donate brown colour items. Wear white pealsilver. Fast on Mondays. Worship Lord Shivavisit Amarnath (Kashmir). Silver nails in the bed. Milkwater kicker tree. Service mother, her mother, grandmother, and mother-in-law. A square water tank on roof. Drink milkwater in silver glass. Bathe in running water Wellhand pump at home. Visit mountains. Keep rain stones, rice, silver at home. Donate white things. Wear diamond. Fast on Fridays Worship Goddesses Lakshmi . Wear silverplatinum. Serve a cow. Donate a calf. Use scentsperfumes. Wear white. Look after people Donate 39curd or white things. Fast on Tuesdays. Wear coralgoldcopper. Plant a Neem tree. Respect and look after your brother. Gayatrijaap. Donate sugar cakessugar-sesame balls in a temple. Feastserve sweet food. Keep red lentils by bedside and give it to sweeper (not domestic) throw in flowing water in the morning. Sleep on deerskin. Recite Hanuman chalisa. Apply Vermillion to Lord Hanuman, Put honey or honey and vermilion in flowing water. Wear silver bangle with copper nails in it. Donate red things. Wear emerald (provided Mercury is not in H. No. 2 or I0) Fast on Wednesdays. Make hole in the nose for 96 hrs. 100 days. Serve maidens, sister, aunts, sister-in-law. Serve goat, parrot or eunuchs. Do not eat egg. Donate yellow pumpkin in a temple. Donate green things. Keep fast on Saturdays. Wear ironsteel. Worship Bhairon . Donate milkliquor at Bhairon temple. Serve barber, tailor, shoemaker, plumber, blacksmith, mason. Worship king. Do not eat meatdrink liquor. Donate mustard oil, Urad daal, iron or put them in flowing water Keep windows, doors, skylights of the house properly repaired. Milk to snake. Fodder to black buffalo. Almonds to labourers. Grains to black ants at night. Donate black things. Wear blue sapphire (other than Rahu being in No.8 or 11). Saraswati Puja . Serve a sweeper. Keep good relations with in-laws and maternal grandparents. Bathe in river Ganges. Eat in kitchen. Donate mustard, sapphire, tobacco. Flow barleys, radish, soft wal in running water. Donate39 coconut, keep summit, keep barely under weight wrapped in red cloth. Drop false coinslead in running water Wear cat39s-eyemixed metals (517), Fast on Ganesh Chaturthi. Worship Lord Ganesh. Serve son, nephew, grandson and son - in - law. Gold ear rings. Donate or flow blackwhite sesame. Donate white and black blanket in a temple. Donate or flow lemon, banana, tangy things. Take two beds and gold ring in dowry. Use essence of gold, silver, iron and fish oil. 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Il chassait une ide aprs l8217autre, sans jamais rien consolider. Son intelligence le faisait croire, qu8217il dominait tout, sans jamais approfondir un sujet. Son plan de business se basait sur le compartiment des risques 8211 sparer les bnfices des pertes, sparer les risques et avoirs acquises. Il se trouvait ainsi la tte de bon nombre de compagnies, faisant circuler l8217argent et quand ses partenaires demandaient les dividendes, il les insultait et les traitait d8217incapables. Il y avait pourtant de l8217argent. Le train de vie de Yann Dcaillet tait grandiose 8211 il se comportait comme quelqu8217un qui avait gagn au Loto. Il employait galement un avocat plain temps pour s8217occuper des litiges. Yann Dcaillet est un escroc et cette faillite va entrainer la chute de tout son difice. Yann Dcaillet a besoin de collaborateurs mais il ne veut pas les engager sur une base normale soit il n8217a pas les moyens de les payer, soit il n8217en a pas envie. Il a alors trouv un moyen de les attirer autrement. en ne payant qu8217un salaire de base minimum et en proposant une participation aux gains. Evidemment les gains ne seront jamais distribus. Il y a aussi un MBO dont les objectifs fixs doivent tre remplis et il va de soi que jamais aucun collabora-teur n8217a russi atteindre ses objectifs. La collaboration avec Yann Dcaillet se droule toujours suivant le mme processus : 1 Priode de sduction Pendant cette priode Dcaillet est le vendeur dans toute sa splendeur. Il dcrit son entreprise comme une affaire en pleine ascension - la premire au Valais et bientt en Suisse romande - il parle de chiffres qui s8217avrent par la suite comme totalement affabuls. Ses partenaires et collaborateurs font part du cercle des meilleurs dans la branche. Il raconte tous les succs et gros gains qu8217il a dj eu, sa capacit d8217pargne d8217au-dessus d8217un million par an. On ne peut alors qu8217avoir hte de rejoindre cette quipe gagnante. 2 Priode de promesses Une fois rejoint son quipe, Dcaillet se montre d8217une amabilit et d8217une gen-tillesse sans borne il sait sduire et appter son monde. Il voit grand et loin mais fait comprendre que ses moyens sont encore limits - il y a tellement d8217investissements faire -. 171 Mais bientt l8217argent va rentrer on se le partagera entre ceux qui m8217ont fait confiance8230 187. 3 Priode de total investissement Malheureusement les promesses tardent arriver. En revanche le travail ef-fectuer augmente de plus en plus bientt il faut abandonner sa vie prive pour mieux servir l8217entreprise. On doit assister des scnes indignes et des in-sultes que Dcaillet profre aux autres collaborateurs il se sent trahi par tout le monde, entour par des incapables8230 mais saura honorer ses fidles, ceux qui n8217ont pas douts de lui. Entre-temps, il faut encore faire un effort et esprer jouir du rsultat de notre engagement. 4 Priode de vaches maigres La branche pour laquelle on travaille ne donne pas de rsultats. Bien sr D-caillet avait prvu cela et tait d8217accord pour financer de sa poche les salaires des collaborateurs. Mais il a fix des limites il aspire une qualit de vie meilleure, et s8217il doit seulement travailler pour financer son personnel il prfrait fermer la boite. 5 Priode de raction Enfin, quand la ralit apparat sur sa capacit diriger l8217entreprise et sur la situation des affaires, quand il n8217arrive plus le dissimuler par ses promesses et ses mirages, quand le temps de vrit est arriv, il commence organiser le changement de son quipe. Il prpare le terrain en se plaignant d8217tre la vic-time de l8217incapacit de ses collaborateurs. Tout lui sert pour mieux les critiquer. 171 J8217en ai marre de toujours essuyer les fautes des autres, de faire leur travail, de payer de ma poche leurs salaires8230 187. Sa bassesse va jusqu8217 voquer des dtails de leur vie priv pour appuyer les raisons de son mcontentement. L8217ambiance de travail, dj difficile par la quantit de travail, devient stres-sante par le comportement de Dcaillet. On est alors loin des priodes de sduction, d8217humour et de rire maintenant c8217est la priode des engueulades, des accusations, des scnes de mnage. Il ne se contrle plus, gueule, crie8230 Et on commence se demander s8217il a encore toute sa tte. Il devient paranoaque, voit des ennemies et de la trahison partout. Le stress du travail et la mauvaise ambiance font que les collaborateurs tom-bent malades, n8217arrivent plus supporter cet tat d8217instabilit et d8217inscurit permanente. 6 Priode de licenciement immdiat pour faute grave Tomber malade est une trahison. Prendre des vacances correspond un abandon de poste. Le collaborateur devient un saboteur dont il faut se d-barrasser au plus vite il doit rendre ses clefs et quitter l8217entreprise sous 30 mi-nutes. Evidemment il est accus de faute grave. 7 Priode d8217action en justice Dcaillet emploie un avocat plein temps pour s8217occuper de ses litiges, c8217est significatif. Dj, comme agent gnral il s8217tait forg la rputation de 171massacreur de personnel187. Ses relations de partenariat ou d8217employeur se soldent gnralement en action de Justice. Dcaillet est son troisime mariage il est fch avec sa famille son ancien employeur a interdit aux collaborateurs tout contact avec lui. Quand un ex-collaborateur demande Justice et se permet de rappeler Dcaillet que le temps d8217honorer ses engagements est arriv, il crie la diffamation. Bien sr il ne se gne pas pour dposer des plaintes pnales pour diffamation, ou pour dommages et intrts contre ces gens ingrats, et d8217envoyer des poursuites pour rcuprer l8217argent qu8217il prtend leur avoir avanc. Comme Dcaillet n8217aime pas payer de salaires, il n8217aime non plus les cotisations sociales. Il y avait des collaborateurs pour lesquels il n8217a jamais cotis ni pour l8217AVS, ni la LAA, ni la LPP. Les salaires taient rgulirement pays avec du retard ou souvent mme retenus pendant des mois. Il ne distribuait ni dcompte de salaire ni certificat de prvoyance. La carrire de Dcaillet La carrire professionnelle de Dcaillet est loin d8217tre une russite. Aprs l8217abandon de son projet ambitieux d8217tudes Saint-Gall dans une langue qu8217il ne matrise pas suffisamment, il est quand mme arriv obtenir un diplme de commerce. Cela lui a permis de rentrer dans le service de vente d8217une compagnie d8217assurances la plus basse chelle. Par une chance inoue, son agent gnral tomba malade et Dcaillet fut nomm sa place. Les directeurs de la compagnie d8217assurance, n8217ayant pas beaucoup d8217intrt pour le canton de Suisse romande au potentiel de vente limit, se contentaient de pourvoir au premier venu ce poste vacant. Comme agent gnral Dcaillet s8217avrait dj comme chef inapte cette fonction. Il fallait le remplacer d8217urgence. Eternel sducteur, se rfrent de ses tudes de Saint-Gall, il arriva convaincre la direction de l8217utiliser comme reprsentant du service externe romand dans un projet de restructuration. Le projet ayant t abandonn, Dcaillet s8217est finalement cas dans une unit key account comme partenaire junior. L aussi, cela ne dura pas. Aprs une anne il lui a fallu regagner le service externe romand. Suite des exigences dmesures de salaire son contrat fut rsili. Il s8217en suivit une priode de chmage et de prcarit. In extremis se prsente Pierre Voutaz, son futur partenaire dans AFC qui lui donne l8217argent pour ponger ses dettes et lui amne ses relations. Ils ont un beau projet de monter une socit de services. Dcaillet voit grand, Voutaz freine. 171 il ne faut pas mettre la charrue avant les bufs 187. Dcaillet monte toute une organisation il est dans son lment. Il construit son village Potemkine, la faade pour impressionner. Depuis le dbut il partitionne les risques, cr plusieurs socits - les unes servant comme fusibles, les autres pour faire disparatre les gains -. Avec cette structure il prouve ds le dbut ses intentions malhonntes. Il a besoin de nouveaux capitaux et cherche des partenaires disponibles et capables de participer aux capitaux de ses socits. Tout le monde a perdu dans ses affaires, sauf une exception. Yann Dcaillet. En somme l8217aventure de ses entreprises tait un grand chec, tout comme tout ce que cet individu avait touch dans sa vie. Le montage de la structure Dcaillet All Finances Consultancy SA La socit de courtage aujourdhui en faillite. Un cahier de charges dtaill (appel 171 design de procdures 187) pour le per-sonnel tait tabli par Dcaillet. Il ne manquait qu8217une chose. les services apporter aux clients. En fait cette socit fonctionnait pendant longtemps uniquement sur la base de transmission de courriers des compagnies d8217assurances sans aucun contrle des prestations et des factures. La socit n8217effectuait aucun des travaux pour lesquelles elle touchait des commissions. En revanche elle facturait AFC Riviera des prestations qu8217elle n8217a jamais fournis. Comme actif de cette socit, Dcaillet numrait des logiciels copis chez son ancien employeur et qui n8217avaient aucune valeur car leurs rsultats de calculs taient souvent faux. Aujourd8217hui cette socit a quasiment perdu tout son portefeuille, ses clients et ne satisfait pas aux exigences de la Loi pour une activit de courtage. En plus, ses dettes pour salaires non pays dpassent de loin son capital. AFC Riviera SA La socit de vente, aujourd8217hui en liquidation. Tous les partenaires de cette socit sont en litige avec Dcaillet. Malgr une production importante, les bnfices ont t mangs par une facturation trop lourde de la part d8217All Finances Consultancy pour des prestations jamais fournies. Pour le prestige, cette socit louait des locaux Montreux malgr les recommandations de ses partenaires Dcaillet persistait les garder. Au-jourd8217hui il prtend, qu8217on lui avait impos ce choix. AFC Services SARL Les services comptables. La socit a perdu tout son personnel et ne peut en consquence plus fournir de prestations. AFC Immobilire SARL La socit de gestion immobilire. L8217architecte qui travaillait pour cette socit a quitt depuis longtemps le navire, sans se faire payer ses travaux. Pont du Diable SA La socit immobilire qui dtient les immeubles de Dcaillet. 171 AFC c8217est moi. J8217ai tout fait, je fais ce que veux et je ne laisserai personne s8217ingrer dans mes affaires. 187, un discours indigne d8217un chef d8217entreprises dont la mission la plus noble est de motiver son personnel. Un discours qui est aussi en totale contradiction avec les accusations de Dcaillet rendant responsable ses employs de l8217chec de son entreprise. En fait cela dcrit clairement que Dcaillet est incapable de grer une entreprise. Il ne fait pas de budget, de planification on fait du bricolage au jour le jour et on recherche constamment de nouveaux projets qui pour la plupart n8217aboutissent jamais. C8217est certainement la raison principale de tous ces checs. Dcaillet la personne Yann Dcaillet est intelligent. Il peut tre charmeur et sducteur. C8217est un gocentrique qui met toujours sa personne en avant pour certains il en fait trop. Comme il s8217aventure assez vite dans la fabulation, il se retrouve souvent coinc et dmasqu. Cela l8217a fait devenir paranoaque et penser que tout le monde est mchant avec lui, que tout le monde veut profiter de lui. Dcaillet est le mensonge fait homme, c8217est Tartuffe et Mphisto en personne. Yann Dcaillet peut friser le gnie, il est cratif, parfois systmatique, il dispose de bonnes capacits analytiques et d8217un esprit de synthse. Des gens avec autant de dons ont souvent tendance se surestimer. Yann Dcaillet a certainement une double personnalit. Les gens qui le frquentent sont toujours surpris par ses sauts d8217humeur, par la volatilit de ses dires - il peut dfendre avec conviction une thse et la contester par la suite, sans se rappeler de ce qu8217il avait affirm -. Dcaillet a du manquer d8217amour dans sa vie. Il est continuellement la recherche de reconnaissance il a un besoin maladif de prestige et d8217admiration. En revanche il ne connat ni honte, ni dignit quand il est dmasqu. Pour obtenir ce qu8217il veut il promet n8217importe quoi, tout en niant ses promesses quand sa supercherie est dcouverte dans ce cas il est sans piti dans la haine de son adversaire et ne connat aucune limite dans la calomnie. Yann Dcaillet veut toujours tout et tout de suite, il met continuellement la charrue avant les boeufs, ne se prend jamais le temps pour consolider. Comme employeur, il est une vraie catastrophe car il est trop instable, remet tout en question en permanence et nglige totalement les personnes avec qui il travaille ce ne sont que des pions utiliser et jeter quand il pense pouvoir se passer d8217eux. Yann Dcaillet est un homme indigne de confiance. C8217est quelqu8217un qui utilise la parole pour tromper son monde, il est totalement malhonnte. 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Medeva Pharmaceuticals sells the name brand of phentermine called Ionamin and Gate Pharmaceuticals sells it as Adipex-P. Phentermine is also currently sold as a generic. Since the drug was approved in 1959 there have been almost no clinical studies performed. The most recent study was in 1990 which combined phentermine with fenfluramine or dexfenfluramine and became known as Fen-Phen. citation needed In 1997 after 24 cases of heart valve disease in Fen-Phen users, fenfluramine and dexfenfluramine were voluntarily taken off the market at the request of the FDA. Studies later proved that nearly 30 of people taking fenfluramine or dexfenfluramine had abnormal valve findings. The FDA did not ask manufacturers to remove phentermine from the market. urlbuyphentermine1buy phentermineurl Phentermine is still available by itself in most countries, including the U. S. 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